Yun Suk Huh, Ph.D.

Department of Biological Engineering, Inha University
World Top 2% Scientist (2022)
Inha Fellow Professor (2023 - Present)
Young Inha Fellow Professor (2015-2018)
Dean of the Department of Biopharmaceutical Engineering
Director of Research Institute of Standards and Analysis
Head of NanoBio High-Tech Materials Research Center
인천광역시 바이오반도체 특화단지 추진위원 (2022)
인천광역시 바이오헬스벨리 추진협의회 위원 (2024 - Present)
국방과학연구소(핵/WMD 대응) 자문위원 (2024 - Present)
Journal Editor
Editor-in-chief: Carbon letters
Associate Editor: Alexandria Engineering Journal
Associate Editor: Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Associate Editor: Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering
한국생물공학회 학술이사, BIG-C 조직위원
한국바이오칩학회 국제협력위원장 및 기획위원장
한국공업화학회 총무이사 및 전무이사
한국화학공학회 기획재정위원회 부위원장
우수연구과제수행 중소기업청장 표창장 수상 및 우수 산학협력전문가 선정 (2015)
식품의약품안전처 우수과제 장려상 수상 (2021)
농업기술대상 농촌진흥청장 우수상 수상 (2021)
농업기술대상 농촌진흥청장 대상 수상 (2023)
지식공유대상 과기정통부장관 표창장 수상 (2023)
Professional Experience
2013.03 - Present
Department of Biological Engineering, Inha University
Assistant Professor (2013 - 2015), Associate Professor (2016 - 2020), Professor (2021 - )
2012.03 - 2013.02
Analytical Science Devision, University of Science & Technology (UST)
Associate Professor
2010.08 - 2013.02
Devision of Materials Science, Korea Basic Science Institute (KBSI)
Senior Researcher
2007.08 - 2010.07
Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
Cornell University, New York, United States of America
Postdoctoral Fellow
2007.03 - 2007.07
Institute of Applied Science, KAIST
Postdoctoral Fellow
2003.03 - 2007.02
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Research advisor: Prof. Won Hi Hong
2001.03 - 2003.02
Chungnam National University
Department of Biochemical Engineering
Research advisor: Prof. Inho Kim
1996.03 - 2001.02
Chungnam National University
Department of Chemical Engineering